They're coming...the terrible threes! I can just feel it. Kieran will be 3 in May and he's already started that mischievous stage. I feel like he's in more time outs everyday. But he is cute and charming and knows how to use it to his advantage. The other day I put him in a time out for jumping on the couch (a common enough occurrence for my little jock). After he was in his room for a few minutes and saying he was sorry I told him to come out. Well, out he walks with a fleece blanket around his shoulders saying he was a "oyal pince". I try to keep a straight face and ask him why he was in a time out and he tells me in the cutest voice it was for jumping on the couch. So, I'm still trying not to laugh and he leans over and kisses me. How can a person stay mad at that? I completely broke so I'm sure he knows he has me wrapped around his finger. Should be an interesting year ahead of us!
The sketchfest continues over at Paws. I finished this LO today based on the Wednesday night sketch (which is a weekly occurrence year-round). This is for Bridget's baby book. I scrapped this card and our bracelets as one of the first pages for her book since we lost the pictures of Kevin and me at the hospital when I was in labour and the first pictures of Bridget and me together. For those of you who don't know, our camera batteries died while we were taking a picture and it fried our memory card. Kevin tried everything to retrieve the pictures, but no luck :( It still makes me sad, but I have lots of adorable pictures of her since then so I try not to think about it.
I tried the other day to get a few cute pics of the kids sitting together. Of course, they are so cute and perfect until I run to get the camera. Here are my best attempts.
I guess they are real life pictures. Maybe someday I'll find something that I can bribe them all with so that they will sit together and smile. I did get a few cute shots of Riley...he's getting better and has lost that cheesy smile that all kids get.
And I love this one
Notice that Kieran is gripping his hockey puck :) Kevin won a random prize at the store the other day when he got his lunch. Apparently every 50th customer gets a prize and he's been looking at his receipt for 6 months with no luck. Well, the other day he finally won and they gave him the choice of a deck of cards or a hockey puck, lol! Big winnings. At least Kieran is happy...he hardly lets the thing out of his sight. Did I mention that he was the jock of the family? :)
That's it for tonight. Must go do some Wii'ing before bed!
Cute pics of your kiddos, Amanda. Sounds like breaking out your camera means it's time to perform. But, you'll be glad to have these photos years from now when you look back. I can hardly get my teenager to let me take his picture anymore.
Your kids are too cute! That is too funny about the "oyal prince"!!! I have a son who will be 3 in April so I TOTALLY know what you are going through!! Mischeivious little things they are! :)
LOVE those photos! The one of them giving kisses is so sweet, the bottom on is adorable!
Cute shots of the kids! It's going to be a few years before this gets any easier!
I just love your blog banner. That photo makes me smile every time.
I love the LO you did without a photo. And the pics of the kids are cute...posed or not. It's real life and shows their personality. Great scrappy material!
those pics are so cute! You definately need to do a LO about the hockey puck too :)
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