Sunday, February 6, 2011

Family Fun

We took the boys cross country skiing yesterday. It was such a beautiful day out! And, I think if we had left after half an hour we would all have said we had fun. However, since it costs close to $50 for us all to go we stayed longer. The boys get tired and frustrated when they fall down and have a hard time getting up. Thank goodness Kevin was there to help. I'm badly balance enough on my own that I can't stand up and also help a kid up. I just do some verbal coaching and then we both end up frustrated, lol. They were troopers though. Mostly, they just want to go down hills. It was fun for Kevin and me, but we end up going pretty slow with the boys. We did do a couple of quick runs around a field while the boys played in the snow. All in all, a pretty fun afternoon. Bridget had some quality time with Grammie, Bampie and Uncle Scott :) There was another family there with an almost three year old. Yikes! It was hard enough with the boys. Kieran did really well for his first time out and Riley did better than last time, but after an hour or so I think they are just DONE!

On Friday Kieran's class went skating. Kevin came along and we took Bridget too who did amazing for her second time on skates. Especially considering she wasn't at all a fan the first time! Then she got to go back to school for circle time and snack time. She LOVED every minute of it.

Big girl!

Hot chocolate and marshmallows, please :)

Cute Bridget things:

Last week at Mom and Dad's Bridget has pistachios for the first time. A few days later she was drawing something on a white board and I asked what it was. She says, "a pistachio."

You know...I can kind of see it :)

One night she asked me for an 'Amanda' song. We were reading a Robert Munsch with an Amanda character at the time and they thought it was cute because it's Mommy's name too. I told her I didn't know an Amanda song (yes, I know there is one, but I don't know it. Maybe that's wrong, but whatever...). So, I sang 'Amanda the Spider', you know...Itsy Bitsy's cousin :) She asks for it almost every day now, lol.

One more cute Bridget thing (man that girl's on a roll!). She was saying a prayer with me the other day, getting me to repeat after her. This was how it went:

Dear God,
Help us and protect us.
Protect Daddy and Ozzy Paws and Kieran and Riley.
We love God and we love Bampie and Gammie
And ladybugs and ponies.

Couldn't you just eat her up?

And a cute Riley thing that he said seconds ago..."I am completely and impressively bored." Being six is hard you know?

Riley lost his second tooth the other night. Like, literally, in the night at 2:30. Who does that? The tooth fairy was already done her run so she came the next night :)

Last week I got pretty sick with a cold/flu something. On Thursday I was achey and feverish and sinus headachey. It wasn't good. And it was such a beautiful day that I felt bad keeping kids in. They seemed to love all the tv though, lol. While watching a show Kieran spontaneously came over to give me a hug and said, "My brain made me do that." Sigh, love him!

I know this blog is random and long. I mostly do it to record my life, cute kid things, some scrap stuff. I go back to it and smile. If others read it bonus for them (I mean, just think about how much this blog enriches your life!). I should blog more often, but things get in the way...feeding my kids, cleaning the house, watching How I Met Your Mother. Important things, essential things :)

I do have a new layout. It was for a challenge over at TallyScrapper (omword, I just thought I lost this blog post...excuse me while my heart rate returns to normal!). The challenge was to use some misting on your layout. I love how it turned out! finger is still a little blue from the process, lol!

Kinda fun, right? I'm loving the blue and yellow too! Those alphas are so cute!

I'm also taking part in a fun challenge over at LCOM. They are having a Big Brother Contest :) Tanya always has the best contests! I think it's going to be a lot of fun and I'm going to do my best to stay in it! I can surely do a layout a week, right? Hope I don't get 'evicted' too soon, heehee.

Sigh, back to the essentials. Kids are calling (ie...whining). Must go find some sort of entertainment so they aren't 'impressively bored' all day.

P.S. You should all go check out my friend Meagan's wine blog. She is an attention seeker and needs people to comment for her life to be complete. Plus, she is very entertaining. Oh, and you'll learn a new word, so you get booze and education! Fun, fun. Check her out at Saturday Shiraz!


Bella said...

Aw B looks so cute with her glasses!! I love your new layout hun! XO

SaturdayShiraz said...

Wow - you've only known me a short period of time, but you've already got me all figured out! lol