My poor neglected blog. At the end of the day sometimes it's just not what I want to do. I'm spent. Wasted. I sit in front of the tv in a coma. Ok, sometimes I muster some energy to read or craft. But in general, my mind is not in a place of writing. At least not anything that anyone would want to read. But here I am. I may be in that place even now. If so, feel free to move on to another place. I recommend Pinterest...that's where I've been spending much of my time, haha.
Kieran's birthday this year was bug themed. Ok, ok, the kid wanted a penguin themed party, but I convinced him to do bugs. Where on earth was I going to find penguins in May?! The kid sure loves penguins though. In exchange for doing a bug party now I had to promise him that we could have a winter penguin party where they could each invite a couple of friends just for fun....with a penguin cake, sliding, hot chocolate, the whole shebang! He seemed ok with that and I'm sure he won't let me forget. SO, bugs it was!
The morning of Kieran's birthday was a preschool day. But not just any old preschool day, his 'special day' where he gets to pick and bring the snack and have everyone sing Happy Birthday. But, but, not just any special was field trip day! This was the morning of his birthday....
I am FIVE!!! And I'm going to....
Dude, this stuff is heavy!
Beep! Beep! Bridget liked it too :)
The kids had a blast and the firefighter who led the group was amazing! So friendly and funny. He welcomed all the kids to come back and visit anytime. He may regret that by the end of the summer...
Supper was a family party with hot dogs, what else?? That kid would live on hot dogs and pancakes... And bug cupcakes for dessert.
Tastes like chicken.
The following weekend was Kieran's friend party...this involved on kid crying half the time and one asking to go home many times, one that was sick and couldn't come and 2 that actually had fun (well, 3 if you count Kieran). I guess as long as he had fun it was ok. I think some kids were having an 'off' day. Who can blame them with all the rain we'd been having. Ah well, when they complained I just gave them some more treats and sent them on their way...sorry moms :)I was hoping to do the party outside and get to look for actual bugs but that was a no-go. So, we had a hunt for plastic bugs which they got to keep (I guess the moms probably preferred this to real bugs and dirt going home :)). We also played pin the spider on the web and Kevin made *ahem* *cough, cough* balloon animals. Ok, so it was our first ever attempt and he's braver than I am. I'm scared to twist balloons. So...feast your eyes upon...

Guesses, anyone? This is a bee. This is by far the best animal made that day I think. And, I still have 2 more pictures to go, haha. Seriously, I'm actually laughing as I type. Next...
Guesses on this one??? LOL! This is a, um...ladybug. I know, I know. Kevin had a little more practice and had it actually looking more like a ladybug by the end of the party. We didn't get any pics though because our dollar store balloons started breaking. Shocking.
And, last but not, well ok, I guess it IS least
The WORM! :) I think this was actually a bee that was formed and reformed and finally B decided she just wanted a worm. Smart girl :)
There were some other wild creations but alas, I didn't get any pictures. There go my hopes to start renting Kevin out as a clown!
I think the bees actually look better on the wall :)
The cake was a dirt cake. By far the easiest cake ever in life. I mean, it is SUPPOSED to look like DIRT. Easy peasy! So, some cake, some pudding some whip cream, cream cheese and cookie crumbs, mix them up, throw them on a platter with some bugs and a shovel and we are good to go! Love it! Kevin also said it was the best tasting cake I've ever made. I wasn't sure whether I should be happy or insulted. But, it WAS chocolate and Kevin loves chocolate so I guess that was why. I wouldn't let him take the leftovers to work though because I thought the dirt cake looked even worse all smooshed into a tupperware container. I mean, his co-workers don't know I could actually make a decent cake if I tried! I can! Maybe I should have sent him with the left overs and pictures of previous cakes to make me feel better :)
The party favours were cute but again, I don't think I got any pictures. Apparently I was slacking off that day. We got little bug catcher containers from the dollar store and little magnifying glasses. They were fun. Add some bug candies, a squirt gun, some stickers and it was a nice little treat box :)
So, another birthday down! Phew! Now I have until October :) Riley already wants to have his birthday party at the museum so we may do that. Seems totally up his alley.
In other news, yesterday, the sun came out!!! Woohooo!!! Man, it has been raining and cloudy and gross for weeks! But, the blackflies were so bad you could hardly stand outside. We can't win! Today was a bit better. Half a day of sun and fewer flies. Maybe a nice summer will come.
When we couldn't enjoy the weather outside I threw the kids outside with boots and umbrellas to play. I ran out, took some quick pics and then watched from my nice warm, dry house :) They had a blast though and then some warm baths!
Now, people were saying what a great mom I was for doing this. Umm, seriously people, I threw my kids out in the cold rain and shut the door! LOL! Yup, Mom of the Year here. Where's do I pick up my award?
And, the forecast for tomorrow...rain! Phew, good thing, I was starting to get heat stroke with all that sun. I think see the Cullens moving in across the street!